The Importance of Document Tracking: How PandaDoc Can Help

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In today’s fast-paced business world, tracking documents is essential. The success of a business depends on its ability to keep track of important documents such as contracts, agreements, and proposals. Document tracking ensures that no important document goes unnoticed, and it also helps businesses to maintain accountability and compliance. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the importance of document tracking and how PandaDoc can help.

Document Tracking

What is Document Tracking?

Document tracking is the process of monitoring the status of a document from creation to completion. It involves keeping track of who has accessed the document, when it was viewed, and any changes made to it. Document tracking provides businesses with a clear understanding of the progress of their documents, helping them to take necessary actions at the right time. This process also helps to ensure that important documents are not lost or forgotten.

The Importance of Document Tracking

Document tracking is crucial for businesses for several reasons. Firstly, it helps businesses to maintain compliance and accountability. By tracking documents, businesses can ensure that all relevant stakeholders have viewed and signed the documents as required. This is particularly important in regulated industries where compliance is essential. Document tracking also helps to prevent disputes by providing a clear audit trail of the document’s history. This makes it easier to identify any issues and resolve them quickly.

Secondly, document tracking helps businesses to save time and money. Without proper document tracking, businesses may waste time searching for lost or misplaced documents. This can lead to delays in the decision-making process and cause unnecessary stress. It also helps to reduce errors by ensuring that all stakeholders are working with the most up-to-date version of the document. This reduces the need for revisions and can save businesses money in the long run.

How PandaDoc Can Help

PandaDoc is a document automation software that can help businesses streamline their document tracking process. With PandaDoc, businesses can create, send, and track their documents in real-time. The software provides a clear audit trail of each document, showing who has accessed it, when it was viewed, and any changes made to it. This helps businesses to maintain compliance and accountability.

PandaDoc also offers a range of features that can help businesses save time and reduce errors. The software provides templates for common documents, such as contracts and proposals, which can be easily customized to suit individual business needs. PandaDoc also offers e-signature functionality, allowing stakeholders to sign documents electronically, reducing the need for physical signatures. This saves time and can speed up the decision-making process.


Document tracking is an essential process for businesses. It helps to maintain compliance, reduce errors, and save time and money. PandaDoc is a document automation software that can help businesses streamline their document tracking process. With its range of features, businesses can create, send, and track their documents in real-time, ensuring that no important document goes unnoticed. By using PandaDoc, businesses can improve their document tracking process and focus on what really matters – growing their business.
